Hydration Station


As many of you know, keeping up with your hydration is a big must for us yogi’s.  Especially HOT yogi’s like yourselves!! Tee hee 🙂

There’s more to it though, than many people may be aware of.  Yes drinking water is part of it,  and a BIG part of it at that, seeing as that good ole H2O is the most important nutrient for life and has many important functions including regulating temperature, lubricating joints and transporting nutrients and waste throughout the body. 

However what you may not know is that, in conjunction with a hot yoga practice, your body needs more than just water to replenish itself and all of its tiny wondrous cells that keep us bumpin and grindinn all day, every day.

When you sweat you lose not only water but tons of electrolytes too. 

To help you out because I love you all so much I’m going to share this amazing recipe with you for a super delicious and perfectly balanced post hot yoga refresher.  After a workout you need a ratio of 4:1 of carbohydrates:proteins.  This drink has just the right amount of carbs, coming from both the nectarine and the honey.  It gets it’s protein from the hemp hearts, who are packed full with 10g per serving, and are also a great source of omega 3’s.

So whether you need a post workout re-fuel or a mid summers day cool down, this drink is sure to do the trick! And let me assure you, it’s amazing!

Nectarine Refresher:


  • 1 Nectarine – chopped into bite size chunks (or really any fruit you desire; preferably something similar to a nectarine such as a peach or a plum or even berries would work well this too)
  • 1/2 tbsp honey or (slightly less agave)
  • 3 cup (enough to fill the glass and then of course more for refills) lemon thyme infused water
  • 1 serving hemp hearts

What to do:

  • Chop your fruit and place it into your drinking glass of choice
  • Heat your honey or agave just slightly to increase it’s powers to help break the fruit down then pour over your fruit
  • Using a wooden spoon or something hard, muddle (aka mash up) your fruit and honey – leaving chunks is a-okay and adds some character to the finished drink
  • Add the hemp hearts and mix it all up
  • Fill your glass up with your infused water, stir and…
  • Enjoy!


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