Be Accessible


Week three’s off the mat challenge is Be Accessible, meaning NO GOSSIP.  Gossiping creates negativity, affecting everything from our energy to our connections within our closest relationships and community.  

Before I continue I just want to shout out to all you 30 Day Challengers and say congrats and keep up the good work! You’re half-way through and on the down-hill slope!  I bet you guys are just feeling fantastic! Or possibly really tired.  Either way, keep doing what you’re doing and you will be amazed at how ahh-mazing you and your body will feel upon completing the 30 days!

For some people, gossiping can come as a sort of involuntary event.  I’ve thought of a few little things to help when those occasions arise and your friend/coworker is really feeling the need to vent about someone.  

Option number one, flat out say “I’m sorry, I’d love to be here for you, however I’m participating in a challenge to refrain from gossip.” Then possibly change the subject, or redirect the conversation to something positive!

Option number two, try to avoid letting a conversation end up in a place where gossip might take place. 

Hopefully those pointers help you out if you get into a sticky situation involving gossip over this next week, and into the future.

If you’re wondering the ‘why’ behind this week’s be accessible, here’s a little tidbit from the Buddha’s Guidelines for appropriate Speech:

A wise person has four attributes regarding speech:

1. does not reveal the faults of others. But if pressed to answer, she criticizes others hesitantly, incompletely, and with omissions.

2. reveals the praiseworthy qualities of others fully and in detail. Even when not asked she recognizes and praises other’s good qualities.

3. reveals his own faults easily and fully. He does not hide his failings. 

4. does not reveal his praiseworthy qualities. But if pressed to answer, he describes his praiseworthy qualities hesitantly, modestly, and without much detail.

(Anguttara Nikaya IV:73)




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